Found a Pet?

Have you found a stray pet in Tuscaloosa? You’re at the right place. Our ‘Found a Pet?’ page is a reliable resource dedicated to assisting good Samaritans who have found lost dogs, cats, or other pets in the area. We understand the sense of responsibility you might feel when you encounter a stray animal and we’re here to help.

Why do we suggest not bringing an animal to the shelter?

The shelter takes excellent care of animals brought to them, however; they are contractually obligated to provide space for local animal control agencies. The shelter will turn away individuals when the shelter is full. If you find an animal and cannot care for it, you should ALWAYS call your local animal control agency.

What should you do first?

Approach the animal carefully. If the animal seems aggressive or scared, do not attempt to capture it. Instead, call local animal control for assistance. Safety for you and the animal should always be the number one priority! We have listed phone numbers for local animal control agencies below.

If it’s safe to approach, check for any identification tags which might have the owner’s contact information. If the pet has a microchip, a local vet or animal shelter can scan it to obtain owner details.

What you should do next

Contact your Local Animal Control Agency to Pick the Animal Up: If you cannot care for the animal, the best thing to do is call your local animal control agency. If the animal is still loose or roaming, please be sure to give animal control a detailed description of the animal and its last known location. An important note: if you feed, water, or house an animal, some animal control agencies will no longer pick up the animal, since they will consider you as having taken responsibility for the animal. Below is a list of local Animal Control Agencies.

Tuscaloosa City Animal Control


Tuscaloosa County AC


Northport Animal Control


Report to Local Animal Shelters and Veterinary Clinics: If you are unable to get Animal Control to pick up the animal, then you should notify local animal shelters, rescue groups, and vet clinics that you’ve found a pet. Provide them with a detailed description of the pet, its location, and your contact information. Below you can find a link to the animal shelter’s website and to our resource page which lists several local vet clinics and animal rescues you can reach out to.

Post on Our ‘Found a Pet’ Page: Use our platform to report the pet you’ve found. Provide all the necessary information and a clear, recent photograph. You can use the form at the bottom of this page to file a report. The report will automatically post on our Facebook Group and be shared to several local agencies.

What if the animal you found is injured or sick?

If the animal has a serious (life threatening) injury or illness, then the shelter will take the animal even if it is full. The shelter uses the triage method to assess whether an animal will be eligible for medical care or, in some cases, humane euthanasia. This also applies to unweaned puppies or kittens. However, if the animal only has a minor injury or illness, the shelter will most likely turn you away.

Found Pet Report Form

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